Assemblyman Tri Ta Releases Statement Following Designation of April 30 as “Jane Fonda Day” by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

Assemblyman Tri Ta Releases Statement Following Designation of April 30 as “Jane Fonda Day” by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

April 30th, known as Black April, holds sacred meaning for the Vietnamese refugee community in Southern California.  The Fall of Saigon was a painful and emotional closing chapter to the Vietnam War and the day we lost our country.


ORANGE COUNTY—Today, Assemblyman Tri Ta released this statement following the designation of “Jane Fonda Day” by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

 The decision by the Board of Supervisors to honor Jane Fonda, an outspoken pro-communist activist who earned the nickname “Hanoi Jane,” on Black April is deeply painful to the Vietnamese community in Southern California and around the world. 

 Black April commemoration ceremonies are held annually on April 30th to mourn the loss of those who gave everything in the cause of freedom.  Honoring someone on Black April who purposely worked with the horrific communist regime is not just poor timing, it unnecessarily causes pain to our community and re-opens the wounds of war.  

 I call on the Board of Supervisors to immediately rescind this honor and work closer with the Vietnamese-American community to understand the pain caused by this decision.  
